



  1. A. sense                 B. position               C. cause                D. observe        (      )

  2. A. fur                   B. burst                  C.curtain               D. surprise       (      )外语学习

  3.A.bowl                    B.row                     C.powder                D.flow            (      )

  4.A.strength                B.length                  C.theory                D.chothes         (      )

  5. A. remain                B. certain                C. obtain               D. entertain      (      )



  6. No decision ________ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.         (   )

  A. will be made        B. is made                C. is being made        D. has been made

  7. American Indians ________ about five percent of the U. S.  population.     (      )

  A. fill up             B. bring up               C. make up              D. set up

  8.I shut all the windows _ I could set my mind to my paper work.           (      )

  A. because             B. so that                 C. even if                 D. as

  9. All the teachers and students demand they ________time and freedom of their own.(   )

  A. had                   B. must have            C. have                    D. ought to have

  10. Peter________be really difficult at times even though he's a nice person in general.(   )

A. shall                B. should                 C. can                     D. must

 11. He was busy writing a story,only________once in a while to smoke a cigarette.(   )

  A. to stop            B. stopping             C. to have stopped    D. having stopped

  12.I began to feel ________ in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.      (      )

  A. at home           B. at heart                C. at will                 D. at sight考试用书

  13.Chinahas a ________ population and long history.     (      )

  A.many      B.large        C.much       D.bit

  14.In some places women are expected to earn money ________men work at home and raise their children.   (     )

  A. but                B. while                 C. because               D. though

  15. Professor Smith,along with his assistants, ________on the project day and night to meet the deadline.         (     )

  A. work               B. working               C.is working            D. are working

  16. ________cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps.          (       )

  A. The hundredth                               B. The hundred

  C. Hundredth                                   D. A hundredth

  17. We have to  ________the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.(   )

  A. get away          B. get across             C. get through          D. get in

  18. You can find whatever you need at the shopping center,________ is always busy at the weekend.   (   )

  A. that              B. where                  C. what                 D. which

  19. The final examination is coming up soon. It's time for us to ________ our studies.(   )

  A. get down to       B. get out                C. get back for         D. get over

  20. Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city,but she had no      (      )

  A. trouble           B.idea                    C.luck                  D. time



  Believe it or not, there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes you 21     proud of your school. It builds a common spirit of unity among students and     22 them of the values'and history of their school. But for most students,school uniform are not something to be proud of _ 23  .

  "Always wearing the same clothes makes me feel   24   ,"a senior student from a high school complained. "I don't like the big English letters of the name of our school on the back, said a junior student. " They could be smaller. The main student complaints about school uniforms are:simple colors,boring designs and   25    quality. And a teacher at a middle schoolin Guangzhou said that   26   a teacher and a mother,she eagerly   27 the quality of school uniforms will be   28    soon.

  What has    29    all these problems? Chen Hong,a uniform designer,pointed out that problems   30    because the whole society doesn't see the   31    0f the school uniform外语学习

  "Most designers stick to the same old fashion   32   there are no professionals who work for students," Chen said. "Besides,high quality calls for a high    33   ," said Chen

  "But in some schools,the annual _  34  _ for each student's uniform is only 50 t0 60 Yuan. How can we produce high quality clothes with s0   35   money?"

  21.A.take      B.feel        C.sense       D.find       (  )

  22.A.remains   B.remembers   C.reminds     D.recalls    (  )

  23. A. at all  B.in all      C. for all    D. after all (  )

  24.A.bored     B.happy       C.hot         D.excited    (  )

  25.A.common    B.bad         C.good        D.high       (  )

  26.A.with      B.like        C.for         D.as         (  )

  27.A.requires  B.needs       C.wants       D.hopes      (  )

  28.A.improved  B.cancelled   C.increased   D.reduced    (  )

  29.A.answered  B.caused      C.led         D.made       (  )

  30. A. come down B. come up  C. come in    D. come on   (  )

  31.A.importance  B.function  C.design      D.profit     (  )

  32.A.if          B.although  C.because     D.unless     (  )

  33.A.level       B.price     C.job         D.skill      (  )

  34.A.expense     B.fee       C.fare        D.income     (  )

  35.A.few         B.many      C.much        D.little     (  )




  Windbreaks are green walls that are made of trees and other plants with many leaves.Farmers plant them in lines around their fields. Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away. They also keep the wind from damaging crops. They are very important for growing grain, such as wheat and corn. For example,in some parts of.West Africa, studies have shown that grain harvests can be twenty percent higher in fields protected by windbreaks than those in fields without such protection.

  However,windbreaks seem to work best when they allow a little wind to pass through.If the wall of trees and plants stops wind completely,then strong air motions(运 动) will take place close to the ground. These motions cause the soil to lift up into the air where it will be blown away. For this reason,a windbreak is best if it has only sixty to  eighty percent of the trees and plants needed to make a solid line.www.examw.com

  An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to ten times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreaks.

  There should be at least two lines in each windbreak. One line should be large trees.

  The second line,right next to it,can be shorter trees and other plants with leaves. Locally grown trees and plants are the best for windbreaks.

  Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind,they can also provide wood products. These include wood for fuel(燃料) and longer pieces for making fences.

  36. Windbreaks work best if they________.    (       )

  A. block the wind totally                     B. allow some wind to go through

  C. consist of two lines                       D. protect only a small area

  37.If the tallest tree is 5 meters in the windbreak,at most it can protect an area of________.(  )

  A. 50 meters          B. 10 meters            C. 25 meters              D. 30 meters

  38. What kind of trees are best for windbreaks?             (      )

  A I.arge trees.       B. Short trees.          C. Leafy trees.          D. Local trees.


  Much of the best food in the world is free. These are some of the foods which you can pick for free in Europe.

  Every autumn,people all over Europe go out into the woods and fields to look for mushrooms(蘑菇). People inFrance,Germany,PolandandItalyare very interested in mushroom picking. You have to be very careful when you pick wild mushrooms. Some are delicious,but others that look very like them can give you a stomachache. Some kinds of mushroom are dangerous. They can make you ill or even kill.you.

  The most famous and delicious kind of mushroom is the tru~fle(块菌). It grows underground in forests,especially in Italy and France. It is very difficult to find. Farmers usually go out with dogs or pigs. When the animals get excited and start to dig,they know that there are truffles underground. They dig them up very carefully. Truffles are very valuable. They can be black or light brown or white.

  In the countryside,there are lots of different fruits to pick. In June you may find wild strawberries.The best time to look for them is in the evening. If you walk around in woods,sometimes you will smell them before you see them. The blackberry(黑莓) is also well liked. It grows wild round the edges of fields in September and early October.

  Blackberries are black and small and very sweet. You can eat them as they are with sugar and cream. Or you can cook them for four minutes with some sugar and a little lemon juice.

  You can also make a very good jam with them.

  39. What is the passage mainly about?   (      )

  A. Wild Mushrooms.                       B. Truffles and fruits.

  C. Best food in the world                D. Food you can pick for free.

  40. What is TRUE about truffles?         (      )

  A. They grow on mountains.               B. They grow on the ground.

  C. They are easy to find.                D. They are in three colors.

  41. What is the best time to look for strawberries?       (      )

  A. In June.                              B. In September.

  C. In early October.                     D. In Autumn.

  42. Which of the following can be smelled before you see them?      (      )

  A. Mushrooms.      B. Truffles.         C. Strawberries.        D. Blackberries.


  Matt grows the nicest vegetables in the village. He grows fruit too-big,sweet apples and oranges. And what else? Well,the biggest and the prettiest flowers.

  Things grow in Matt's garden all through the year. He cuts some flowers for his sittingroom table;and,of course,he eats some fruit and vegetables. But he sells everything else in the market. Matt is not a poor man.

  He knows a few other gardeners; but he does not have any friends. You might ask, "Why is that? Why doesn't he have friends?"

  It is a wonderful garden, Matt plants things in spring, summer,autumn and winter. After that he does very little work. He sits in the garden with his small radio. And everything grows.www.Examw.com

  People ask, "How does Matt grow these wonderful things? He waters the plants sometimes,but he doesn't do anything else. He just sits under an orange tree with his radio. He listens to music nearly all day!" And that is all quite true. People cannot understand it,and so they don't like it very much.

  Matt likes music,but what about the garden? Who does the work? I will tell you the true thing;the music does the work. All plants love music;and Matt knows that.

  43.In the market,Matt sells________.       (     )

  A. most of his vegetables only               B. all his flowers

  C. everything he grows                       D. most of his products

  44. Matt isn't poor because         (      )

  A. he grows the biggest vegetables and fruit

  B. he owns a beautiful garden

  C. he gets money from selling his products

  D. he has the nicest radio in the village

  45. Matt has few friends because ________.     (       )

  A. people don't understand his success

  B. he doesn't do any work

  C. he loves music too much

  D. he grows wonderful vegetables

  46. Matt's.secret of growing plants is________.          (      )

  A. to water them

  B. to sit under a tree

  C. to keep the garden clean

  D. to play music to them


  The newest generation of American youth has been raised on a diet of YouTube,Facebook and American Idol. These inventions are harmless but when put together they have produced a culture where youth want to be rich and famous and believe everyone should know everything about their lives.

  The spokesperson for this fame-hungry(追求名誉), talentless generation is Britney Spears.

  At a young age,Spears seemed to have it all. She was starring on the Mickey Mouse Club TV show when she was 11. At 18,Spears released(发行) her first album(专辑) Baby

  One More Time. The album immediately made Spears a pop iconc偶像). She had millions of dollars and was on top of the world.

  With fame came troubles. Photographers followed her everywhere she went.Eventually,she couldn't take it anymore and she made a series of bad decisions. First,she married a high school friend. But the marriage only lasted a matter of hours. Then she married her back-up dancer,Kevin Federline,who was a known playboy. Then she shaved her head and suffered a big breakdown. She did all of this with the world watching.

  But then her father,Jamie, stepped in and took control. Spears took sometime away from the public to get things in order. Now she is promoting her new album,Circus,which is a good word to describe her life. The CD is now N0 1 in America.

  It has been a crazy ride for Spears but when judging her,remember that she was once a sweet,young girl whom a lot of people thought they could make money off. Even with all she's been through,she's only 27 years old.

  47. What is the characteristic of the newest generation of American teenagers?       (      )

  A. Rich.                                 B. Fame-hungry.

  C. Crazy.                                D. Sweet.

  48. According to the passage Spears is ________ .             (      )

  A. a pop singer and TV star              B. a back-up dancer

  C. a government spokesperson             D. a photographer

  49. What happened after Spears became famous?     (      )

  A. She began to like photography.

  B. She was controlled by her father.

  C. She had new hairstyle and liked playboys.

  D. Her personal life became the focus of media.

  50. What is true about Spears?         (      )

  A. She has always been a crazy girl.

  B. She is hungry for attention.

  C. She is the best singer in the US.

  D. She once made bad decisions.




  Bob:    How was your dinner party?

  Adam: ________.People really seemed to enjoy themselves.


  Bob:  _________


  Adam:  Yeah,but_____again. We can never get him to

  '    53


  Bob:  Really?___________


  Adam:  Until one o'clock in the morning!  And we both had to get up early the next day.

  Bob:    Oh,he shouldn't have stayed so late. That was really inconsiderate. You should

  have asked him to leave earlier.

  Adam:Well,____    一to do that to my wife's boss!





  1. 100词左右;



  On Wednesday afternoon,volunteers will go to the nursing home and foreign students can also sign up.



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